What clothes would you buy for a sex doll?

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What clothes would you buy for a sex doll?


What clothes would you buy for a sex doll?


XtouchStore has a wide variety of sex dolls to make you snort at first glance. You can choose from Asian, blondes, anime, petite or bouncy boobs. Customizing a silicone doll to your liking is even better.

Dressing up your sex toy is the best way to customize it. Finding the perfect outfit to make your love doll more sexy will never get old. Choose tight clothing for your next bedtime play.

Some sex toys are so lifelike that they can make small talk and even produce arousing sounds. Most dolls are adorable in lingerie, mini-dresses, crop tops and fishnet tights.

Did we get your interest? Continue reading to learn how to make a sex toy look exactly the way you like it to – innocent or slutty.


How To Dress Up Sex Dolls


You can customize a sex toy exactly how you like it. Modifications that are most commonly made include:

  • Color of the hair and eyes
  • Skin Tone
  • Hair wigs
  • Options and depth of Vagina
  • Breasts Options

It is not surprising that you may change your mind about the type of girl or hair color. Does it mean you should buy another sex toy? You might as well! You can spice up your fantasy sex dolly by purchasing different accessories and outfits for it.


Appearance Modifications


The head is the only part of a ready-made doll that can be changed. You can change the shape, eye color and mouth depending on the model. We suggest a new wig when it is impossible to make major changes. It’s easy to give your sex dolly a new haircut or style. Shop for silky long or shorter wigs on Etsy, or other online stores of this type.

If you have the time, you could also dye the doll’s hair a color that you couldn’t find online. This is a fun activity for a couple. It can be messy, but you will end up with the color you want.

What about makeup? Apply some seductive lipstick and a light eyeshadow. Spray some perfume on the neck. Voila! Your sex doll is now ready to go on a date.


Accessory and Additions


Accessories can be optional but bring out the beauty of the body parts like the legs, hands, and neck.

You can see from the image above that the Belle sex doll has a cute hairstyle, with bunny ear, earrings and a choker. She looks stunning with jewelry! You can choose from a necklace, bracelet, or stockings to make your doll adorable. Your purchases do not have to be expensive, because your sex dolls will appreciate every kind gesture.


Apparel ideas


There are no wrong decisions when it comes to choosing the outfit. Consider the following before you begin to browse what your love doll could wear:

  • Measure your doll’s size to ensure you get the right clothing for her.
  • Always wash her clothing after receiving it and remove it every time you need to store her.
  • You should be careful when handling delicate parts such as fingers.
  • Avoid damaging your sexdoll’s body by wearing clothes that are not too tight.
  • Dress her from the bottom up. You can also remove the head, and then dress her.
  • When buying bras, remove the underwire that damages your skin

Online shops like Etsy will offer you a wide range of choices.


Hot Uniforms


If you are bored with your regular jeans and t-shirts, try a hot sexy uniform. This will spice up your sex and bring roleplaying into your relationship. You can try on many different outfits, such as a cheerleader, nurse, anime girl or schoolgirl. You can choose to have your sex doll be a hot supervillain such as Suki or a secretary, like Grace.

Create your own sexy outfit. You can combine a mini-skirt, leggings or shorts with a loose T-shirt or bra or classic office shirt to create a sexy outfit. You can also keep it simple and have her wear an apron.


Sexy Lingerie


Shopping for lingerie can be easier than other clothing. After you’ve taken your measurements, it’s time to go shopping for robes and bodysuits.

Find a size for your sexy busty doll. If you have a mini-sex doll that is petite, you may need to buy clothes for children.

It is better to buy clothes for sex dolls from sites that specialize in this. Materials will be more gentle on the skin and there will also be a wider range of sizes. Shopping can be difficult for some dolls because they have disproportionately large bodies.

Dressing your sex-doll is an experience you won’t forget.




What size doll is my love?


You need to first know the dimensions of your sex doll before you can start shopping for clothes. Many people are uncomfortable taking their sex dolls into the store and no one wants to waste money by buying the wrong size.

You can start by checking the dimensions on the website where you purchased your sex toy. You can still do it if you are unable to find the doll online, or if you have had the size adjusted. You only need a tailor’s tape.

  • Bust Wrap the tailor’s tape around your bust, and take the measurements. This will help you select the correct size dress. Wrap the tape around the ribcage, under the breasts to find the right size bra. Buy bras that are a little bigger to avoid leaving marks on your skin.
  • Waist : Measure the waist to find jeans, pants and skirts that fit.
  • Hips : Measure your hips to determine the size of the lingerie that will fit you.

Does the skin of dolls with realistic features stain clothes?


You may accidentally damage your sex toy, even though the silicone is flexible and durable. Dark colored clothing will leave stains and imprints on tight clothes. Silicone can absorb color easily and is difficult to remove. To avoid defects, it’s best to choose a light color. If you want a darker outfit, wash it several times and remember to undress your doll before storing her. Store your doll naked in a storage box.

You can wrap a piece of clothing around your finger if you like vibrant colors, but are afraid that you will stain the dolls. After a few minutes, check to see if the clothing is stained.


What fabrics should you avoid?


You might want to stay away from certain fabrics, which can harm the skin of sex dolls.

  • Denim
  • Leather and faux leather
  • Latex clothing

It is best to avoid buying cheap clothes as they are often made from low-quality fabrics. Instead, choose something more expensive.


What fabrics are suitable for my sexdoll?


Many fabrics won’t damage or stain sex toys. Take note of these for your next shopping trip:

  • Silk
  • Cotton
  • Spandex
  • Velvet
  • Lace
  • Nylon

The materials are stretchy and elastic. It is easy to dress or undress the sex dolls.


How to store sex toys safely?


Consider where you will store your sex doll before purchasing one. As long as you leave her naked and free from tight clothing, she shouldn’t pose a problem if she can be left on a chair or bed. XtouchStore sex dolls come with a storage set that fits your closet.

Temperature is also important. If it’s too hot or too cold, your doll may have visible flaws after a while.


Can I use makeup on my sex toy?


Makeup contains a variety of ingredients that may be harmful to your sex-doll or difficult to remove. Before applying lipstick, blush or any other product, test it first. Put a little makeup on your sex toy and wait a few minutes to see if it causes a reaction.


For how long can a sex toy last?


How well you care for your sex toy will determine how long she lasts. You can expect to get around ten good years out of her if you keep her in a cool, dry place, dress her in loose clothing, and clean her properly. Wear and tear is inevitable after a few years. XtouchStore offers repair kits if you contact us about a problem.

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