Should Virgins Buy Sex Dolls?
Should Virgins Buy Sex Dolls?
We initially thought that purchasing a sex toy was the “easy option”. Owning a beautiful doll that allows you to have on-demand, realistic sex when you want it may make it harder for you to find a partner. It might not be true for everyone, but for someone with a low/medium sex desire and some anxiety around meeting real women, they may be content to have a doll. Imagine a situation where a guy with not great looks could have sex every night with a 10/10 doll or he would have to spend his money and his time dating women who are equal to him. He could also have sex once a week with a real woman.
Should Virgins Buy Sex Dolls?
A sex doll can also help a virgin feel more comfortable in intimacy. After a few romps, maybe sex with real women won’t be as much of a deal. A sex doll will help to alleviate any last-minute nerves or hesitation. A sex toy can also help prevent erectile problems or premature ejaculation due to over-eagerness.(Should Virgins Buy Sex Dolls?)
You can also get over first-time nerves by visiting a prostitute. It’s much safer and, in some countries, much more legal.
Should Virgins Buy Sex Dolls?
A sex toy as a virgin may also repel potential sexual partners because of the stigma attached to sex toys. Imagine a scene where a woman returns to your apartment after completing a date. She is greeted with your sex toy and then the next scene shows her fleeing. You may still be at risk, even though the stigma is changing and younger people today are more accepting of various forms of sexual pleasure.
virgins sex doll owners can avoid this by using discreet storage techniques such as a storage box or hanging kit. You could also buy a smaller doll that is easier to store. You can consider getting rid your sex toy before the woman finds out. You can at least store your sex toy discreetly so that you can introduce it later rather than on the first night.
Should Virgins Buy Sex Dolls?
Our Bias Opinion
We are biased, but we believe that virgins who are afraid of sex need to consider buying a sex-doll. Since the future is uncertain, it is best to have sex today rather than tomorrow. Life can change very quickly, so it is best to get your gratification now if you are uncomfortable. You can get rid of the doll and pursue a woman who doesn’t like dolls.
Should Virgins Buy Sex Dolls?
Why not both?
You can have the best of both. You may find that buying a sex toy helps you overcome the fear of losing your virginity. Then you find a woman who is open-minded and adventurous, and can introduce new things into your sex like your sex dolly. It is not uncommon for couples to add a sex dolly or two to their sex life. Remember that it’s not always a binary decision. Buying a sex toy does not mean you will be a virgin forever.
You can see that there is no correct answer to this. Instead, you should consider what you feel comfortable with. A sex toy might or might not work for you. We recommend getting a doll, if you wish, because you can always get rid of it if need be.