Influencers driving the development of sex dolls
This is no drill. Sex doll influencers have become a reality. What is the cause and what will be their future? This article will provide all the answers.
Remember the days when Instagram was a simple photo-sharing site for amateur photographers only? Don’t worry. We don’t either. Instagram, like any other social platform, has evolved since its humble beginnings. Instagram is home to many exciting creators. While most people are talking about models, actors or foodies and sportspeople, a new trend is on the rise: sex dolls.
It’s not a prank. Instagram’s sex doll community is real. It’s also gaining more online attention. You’re probably wondering why. There are many reasons for why sex-dolls are popular. We’ll take a look at the origins of sex-doll content and see what it takes to become one.
Breaking the Internet
The Instagram sex dolly community is relatively young, but its online origins date back as far as 2001. In 2001, several sex-doll enthusiasts launched a website named The Doll Forum. The page has over 70,000 users who share their dolls photos and opinions. When it comes to finding the first Instagram sex dolly influencer, you have to go back five years.
T, a US sex toys reviewer, read in 2016 an article about a woman undergoing several plastic surgery procedures to look like a doll. T created an Instagram account to support his partner Celestina. What is so strange about it? Celestina, as you’ve probably guessed by now is not an ordinary woman. She is a state-of-the art synthetic doll.
T wanted to see if Celestina would be able to gather more followers than a sex doll imposter that he had read about. T will be considered the pioneer of the Instagram sex-doll community. But he’s not alone. Each year, doll lovers decide to become influencers. Contrary to popular belief, the reason they do it is not fame or money.
A Post on Social Media is Not Enough
The majority of people do not understand why a man living with a synthetic female instead of one who is real would choose to do so. This is what sex doll influencers are trying to convey to the public. The goal of these influencers is to show the world how they view their artificial partners . Money doesn’t motivate them. These are just regular guys who want people to see sex dolls in the same way as they do.
Just to be clear, becoming a doll-influencer is no easy task. It takes a lot effort, dedication and skill. Remember that the goal is for sex-dolls to look as real as possible. It is important to ensure that the doll’s facial expression and the synthetic skin in the photo don’t look too artificial.
Shootings can take hours because doll owners must change the poses, clothes, expressions and locations. They have to do it all themselves. Their models aren’t very helpful.
Of course, photos alone aren’t enough to make dolls look real. Each account is a mixture of photos, social media posts in person, and deepfake video. Sex doll influencers use all of these techniques to create something unique. They don’t mind if people find their work bizarre. It’s incredible that they do what makes them happy.
Make Money with Sex Dolls
Many influencers, whose main objective is not money, have monetized the Instagram accounts of their dolls. They are not as powerful as the social media giants but can still make some money. Jessica Lucas explains this in an article she wrote for the input magazine.
She mentions that Doll-Forever – a Chinese sex toy company – contacted two sex toy photographers to use their images to promote the brand online. Influencers can make money by promoting clothing brands as well as doll manufacturers.
Lucas gives an example from Tasha. Tasha, who has almost 2,000 Instagram fans, has participated in several exhibitions and collaborated with many artists. She is the ambassador for small clothing labels such as Tyres By Tara and InFoxycated Clothes. But that’s not it. Tasha is a reporter for the famous magazine CoverDoll, ( Playboy in the sex-doll industry).
She doesn’t accomplish all of this on her own. Tony is her human owner. He believes he should be compensated for the work he does with Tasha. As he says in his interview with Lucas: “Tasha’s an independent synthetic being who speaks for herself. I don’t talk for her.”
It’s because the majority of members don’t share content from their own perspective. The dolls are used to create a more emotional and intimate experience. In this industry the dolls, not the owners, are the stars.
The Community
You probably realize how dedicated the sex-doll community is to achieving its goal. It will take time before people start treating dolls like non-sexual items. Many influencers are no strangers to online abuse. They are labelled creeps by social media users, who ask them to delete their account.
This makes the community insular and will continue to be so until society changes its opinion. There are plenty of dolls who have horny fans, and they seem to forget what they’re doing. In short, there are several factors that prevent the community from flourishing.
There’s a much more positive side to the story. This community of sex-doll enthusiasts is among the most friendly and supportive you could imagine. Influencers compliment each other’s works, offer advice, and become friends. They don’t have any rivalry because they cannot afford it. A group that is so niche doesn’t need internal conflict.
The Future is Now
The group of dedicated enthusiasts are doing their best to change the perception of sex toys. They use their skills and creativity to portray sex toys in a more humane way. While they are still far from their ultimate goal, the creation of doll Instagram influencers has been a major step in their success.
Few people would have imagined that in a few years, sex dolls would be able to have their own social media account, and even more, that they would have loyal fans, and become brand ambassadors. But that’s what makes it so cool. Our society and the world are always evolving. There will likely always be prejudice against sex-doll enthusiasts. They will continue to spread their positive attitude around the world.